Full name: Jason Paul Brown
Made his presence known: June 13, 1976
Comparison to the Sears Tower: 5' 10"
Was in the band: Prophets of Da Funk
Hero: Parents
If you have a thing for J, keep this in mind: "I particularly like the dark-haired women, not too much make-up and preferably a bit older than me!"
Likes: Music and women
Dislikes: Cabs in London
Enjoys eating: Chinese food
Don't ask him about: The bowl haircut he had when he was little
Says of himself: "I have loads of different sides. I can be the life and soul of the party and then the next minute be really quiet."
The truth (as provided by Abs): "He's the daddy. He makes sure we get up in the morning and we're where we should be, but he's not the boss. Oh no."
Interestingly: "both my parents are tone deaf."
My Thoughts On J: He looks a lot like Bruce Willis (which is a good thing, mind you). It's cool that he and Abs lose their British accents when they rap. J's a cool dude.
Everything excluding the last two points was taken from Starz! issue Vol. 2 No. 22, August 1998
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